10 Repairs to Make Before Selling Your Home

There are many repairs and minor updates that will make your home more appealing to potential buyers and avoid problems during a home inspection. Some repairs are simple, but other repairs may require a professional. Suggested repairs and updates include patching holes and cracks in walls, HVAC maintenance, repairing or replacing bathroom and kitchen faucets, addressing water damage and mold issues, and repairing faulty wiring. Consider making these 10 repairs and updates to avoid deterring potential home buyers.

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2021-08-23T14:47:20+00:00August 19th, 2021|

Home Renovations to Make Before a Baby Arrives

Painting a garage floor, refinishing a basement, or installing a closet organizer system in a master bedroom are home renovations that can probably wait, but there are some home renovations the should be completed before a baby arrives. Consider completing these 11 home renovations before a baby arrives to avoid inconvenience, noise, or health and safety of the baby. Projects to consider completing include refinishing floors, bathroom and kitchen renovations and repairs, mold remediation, and painting and staining. Learn about projects to complete and why it’s best to have these finished before bringing a baby into a home.

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2021-08-23T14:50:04+00:00August 17th, 2021|

Cost For a Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heater costs range between $1,171-$3,331. Tankless water heater installation cost is impacted by several factors, including the type of system, whether it’s a single-point or whole-house system, type of fuel it uses, flow rate, system size, brand, labor, materials, permits, accessibility, and charges for removing the existing heating system. A tankless water heater can save money compared to a traditional tank-style water heater. Tankless heaters use energy to heat water on-demand, can produce an endless supply of hot water, have a lower risk of leaks, take up less space, and typically have a longer lifespan. Learn more about the benefits of a tankless water heater and costs for installation.

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2021-08-03T02:51:27+00:00August 2nd, 2021|

Should You Caulk Around the Toilet

The main reason given for not caulking around toilet bases is that it could hide leaks and the resulting damage could become severe. Without caulk, leaking water would flow out freely from under the toilet and be noticed immediately. While that thought process would be true if there was a sudden and major break in a pipe, the majority of leaks are small and don’t spread onto the bathroom floor, but instead soak into the underlying structure. Water leaks under a bathtub are often found the same way. Learn more about caulking around the toilet base in a bathroom.

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2021-07-25T14:18:18+00:00July 23rd, 2021|

Does Copper Rust?

Nonferrous metals like copper don’t ‘rust’, however, they do eventually oxidize—or corrode. When copper reacts with air it produces copper carbonate, which is the greenish-blue color found on copper as it ages. Copper is easy to clean and it’s possible to protect copper by applying a clear lacquer. However, with decorative copper items, there are reasons you might not want to clear coat them. Learn about what causes copper to oxidize and how it can be prevented.

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2021-07-20T17:34:44+00:00July 19th, 2021|

Should I Replace My Water Heater Before It Fails?

How long a water heater lasts depends on how well it is maintained and the type of water heater. Traditional tank storage water heaters can last between 10-15 years, and tankless models can last 20 years or more. Signs that your water heater needs to be replaced include odd sounds emanating from it, inconsistent or no hot water, discolored water, visible corrosion on the tank, and the water heater leaking. If you see any of these signs, it’s time to replace your water heater.

There are several reasons to consider early water heater replacement. Waiting until the hot water tank stops working will leave you without hot water until a replacement is available. And, replacing it before it fails gives you time to research water heaters that might save you money, energy options such as gas, electric, or solar-powered water heaters, or you might decide you want to go tankless. Learn about considerations for when to replace a water heater.

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2021-07-20T17:37:34+00:00July 19th, 2021|

Why Is My Toilet Tank Sweating?

Toilet tanks usually sweat as a result of too much humidity in the bathroom. Bathrooms are usually the dampest room in a house, and they typically don’t have a lot of ventilation, especially if the room doesn’t have a ventilation fan or if the fan isn’t running frequently. To reduce the likelihood of toilet tank sweat, take steps to lower the humidity in the bathroom, including regularly running air conditioning units or dehumidifiers, which will help reduce condensation on the toilet tank. Learn about how to reduce toilet tank sweat and possible side effects, such as mold, mildew, and water damage.

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2021-07-09T14:51:09+00:00July 8th, 2021|

Replacing an Outdoor Faucet

Most outdoor faucets are made of stainless steel or brass, both of which are weather resistant. However, these faucets have a rubber washer that creates a watertight seal to prevent the faucet from dripping when the valve is closed, and the rubber seal can crack if the water it’s holding back freezes. The faucet can be repaired by replacing the rubber washer each time the faucet drips, but a better solution is to replace the faucet with a frost-free model that keeps the washer and water in the line out of freezing temperatures. Frost-free faucets have a long stem that positions the rubber washer and water inside the home, preventing the line from freezing in cold temperatures. Learn about replacing an outdoor faucet with a frost-free model.

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2021-06-16T14:31:36+00:00June 14th, 2021|

How To Unclog a Dishwasher

Filters in your dishwasher prevent chunks of food from entering your plumbing and protect pipes from clogging. These filters are can be cleaned by a consumer and with some effort, you’ll be able to fix the issue without a plumber. However, there are times when a plumber may be necessary to clear a drain line or there’s a failure of a control panel or pump.

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2021-05-08T04:01:39+00:00May 7th, 2021|

Identifying Black Mold

Mold can cause adverse reactions in people who have allergies or weakened immune systems. Black mold can be extremely hazardous and tough to remove. Learn how to identify black mold so you can eliminate it.

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2021-05-04T01:44:02+00:00May 3rd, 2021|
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